Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Obituaries (yes it's a strange topic)

I know this sounds rather morbid, but I enjoy reading the obituaries. I think there's something fascinating about the way entire life stories are condensed into a few small paragraphs. It's always done with such factual and rather mundane information: Birth, education, career, marriage, family, funeral information...and for a little extra money you can even place a picture of the deceased, which is usually a portrait taken in the seventh to eighth decade of their life.

After reading so many of these, the stories tend to blur together, and the people in the obituaries just don't seem very memorable, despite the fact that they've probably lived unforgettable lives.

I wish that there were more obituaries that left legacies behind. Legacies stand out. They don't blur together with other stories, and they aren't easily forgettable. They remind us of the significance of our short time here, and renew our passion for pursuing our dreams and happiness.

A legacy would tell the most remarkable and personal story of that persons time on earth, and would be accompanied by a photo highlighting a major life event for them- perhaps their wedding or the first time they held their child, or maybe when they went on an amazing vacation to Italy post-retirement

It just makes sense to me, but that's my personal preference.

I mean, if I had a moment like this, I'd want that story to be remembered rather than the name of the high school I attended.

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