"According to the male mythology which defines and perpetuates rape, it is an animal instinct inherent in the male. The story goes that sometime in our pre-historical past, the male, more hirsute and burly than today's counterparts, roamed about an uncivilized landscape until he found a desirable female. (Oddly enough, this female is not pictured as more muscular than the modern woman). Her mate does not bother with courtship. He simply grabs her by the hair and drags her to the closest cave. Presumably, one of the major advances of modern civilization for the female has been the civilizing of the male. We call it chivalry.
But women do not get chivalry for free. According to the logic of sexual politics, we have to civilize our behavior. (Enter chastity, enter virginity, enter monogamy). Chivalrous b
ehavior in the male is supposed to protect that chastity from involuntary defilement. The fly in the ointment of this otherwise peaceful system is the fallen woman. She does not behave. And therefore she does not deserve protection. One begins to suspect that it is the behavior of the fallen woman, and not that of the male, that civilization aims to control.
The assumption that a woman who does not respect the double standard deserves whatever she gets operates in the courts today. While in some states a man's previous rape convictions are not considered admissible evidence, the sexual reputation of the rape victim is considered a crucial element of the facts upon which the court must decide innocence or guilt...
One should not assume, however, that a woman can avoid the possibility of rape simply by behaving. Though myth would have it that mainly 'bad girls' are raped, this theory has no basis in fact. Available statistics would leave one to believe that a safer course is promiscuity. In a study of rape done by the District of Columbia, it was found that 82% of rape victims had a 'good reputation.'
Rape is an act of aggression in which the victim is denied her self-determination. It is an act of violence which, if not actually followed by beatings or murder, nevertheless always carries with it the threat of death. And finally, rape is a form of mass terrorism, for the victims of rape are chosen indiscriminately, but the propagandists for male supremacy broadcast that it is women who cause rape by being unchaste or in the wrong place at the wrong time- in essence, by behaving as though they were free...The fear of rape keeps women off the streets at night. It keeps women at home. It keeps women passive and modest for fear that they be thought provocative."
-Susan Griffin (1971)