I first read this story at age seven, in my Children's Bible, even though I wasn't allowed to watch PG-13 movies at the time. Thankfully, I was too young to appreciate how truly messed up this story is.
Sodom and Gomorrah (Abridged):
The story begins innocently enough, with Lot hospitably taking in two strangers, who are actually angels in disguise. Then...
1) Male villagers bang down the doors of Lot's house, hoping to rape his male visitors.
2) Lot "righteously" offers up his two virgin daughters for gang rape instead.
3) God rewards Lot for this act of "hospitality" by saving him along with his wife and daughters
4) God turns Lot's wife into a pillar of salt.
5) Lot's daughters recognize God's commandment to "be fruitful and multiply" and promptly get their dad drunk and rape him so that they can be impregnated.
Events that DO happen in this story:
1) Attempted Rape
2) Attempted Gang Rape
3) Rape
4) Incest
5) Violence
Events that DO NOT happen in this story:
1) Homosexual couples are punished for falling in love and entering into monogamous relationships.
...Churches often argue that the attempted rape on the visiting men (angels) in this story translates to a fact that all forms of homosexuality must be abomination in God's eyes.
That's quite a stretch. I don't know about you, but male homosexuals
have never banged down my door demanding sex from my male friends inside.
Also, I would be interested to hear someone explain to me how a God who condones gang rape, incest, violence, and violations of the human rights of women is also the most "loving" God ever known.

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